Meet Lola Brooke Age, Bio, Height, Weight, Net Worth

Shyniece Thomas named Lola Brooke. She was born on February 1, 1994, in the lively borough of Brooklyn, New York. Lola’s groundbreaking tracks and captivating story have made her name well known. The rape scene knows her. Her musical journey started at eight years old. Since then, she has risen to fame as a key figure in rap. She’s famous for her chart-topping single “Don’t Play With It.” She has deep ties to Brooklyn culture. Lola Brooke shows the essence of truth and new ideas in hip-hop.

Lola’s journey into music began in her teens. She started to join local rap battles and open mic events. These early shows honed her skills. They also garnered her a small but dedicated following. Her tireless work ethic and raw talent led to her discovery. Industry professionals found her. This paved the way for her first studio recordings.

Her gritty, real lyrics and compelling stories have made her well known. People have praised Lola Brooke for bringing a fresh view to hip-hop. Her music often reflects her experiences. It shows the realities of life in Brooklyn, and it resonates with a wide audience.

Lola Brooke continues to rise in the ranks of the hip-hop world. She’s driven by her unique voice and strong dedication to her craft. With each new release, she cements her place in hip-hop. She is a key figure in the genre and promises an exciting future.

Lola Brooke’s Height and Weight

She is 5 feet 3 inches (160 cm) tall and weighs about 121 lbs (55 kg). But, her size hasn’t hindered her huge impact on music. She’s soared to remarkable achievements. This shows that true artistry has no limits. She did it through dedication and talent. Lola’s journey underscores a timeless truth. Success in the industry comes from skill and commitment, not physical traits. Her journey inspires. It shows that passion and perseverance can beat any obstacle on the path to greatness.

Lola Brooke Ethnicity and Parents’ Background

Lola Brooke hails from a rich cultural heritage. Her roots intertwine with African-American and Caribbean ancestry. Her parents came from diverse backgrounds. They instilled in her a deep appreciation for their cultural traditions and values. Lola grew up in the lively melting pot of Brooklyn. A tapestry of cultures immersed her. They influenced her worldview and art. Her music often reflects her multicultural upbringing. It blends hip-hop with nods to her family roots. This blend creates a unique and real sound. It resonates with audiences worldwide.

Lola Brooke Career Highlights

Many remarkable highlights mark Lola Brooke’s career. Each one added to her rising status as a force in the music industry. One of her biggest achievements was the release of her viral hit single, “Don’t Play with It.” It shot her into the spotlight and got widespread praise for its catchy beats and strong lyrics. Her breakthrough moment confirmed her rising star status, captivating audiences with authenticity.

Her debut single was a hit. After that, Lola continued to succeed in hip-hop. She had a series of chart-topping releases and gave electrifying performances. Her lively stage presence and magnetic personality have earned her a dedicated fanbase. They also brought her critical praise from industry insiders. Also, Lola has worked with other artists and producers. This expanded her reach. It solidified her reputation as a versatile and influential artist. Lola Brooke has received honors for her community work. She has also received recognition for her music. She uses her platform to advocate for social change and empowerment. Through her music and activism, she continues to inspire and uplift others. She has left an indelible mark on the industry and beyond.

Influences from Family and Community

Lola Brooke’s art journey is tied to her family and community. Lola grew up in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, surrounded by African-American and Caribbean cultures. This melting pot shaped her heritage. Her parents had diverse backgrounds. They instilled in her a deep appreciation for her roots and the power of music. Lola’s grandmother was a gifted singer. She passed down her love for music to Lola. She introduced her to legends like Aretha Franklin and Bob Marley. The lively streets of her community inspired her constantly. They shaped her stories and music. Lola’s journey is proof of the power of family and community support. They fueled her love for music and empowered her to amplify her community’s voices.

Early Exposure to Music and Hip-Hop

Lola Brooke was exposed to music and hip-hop early. This happened in her formative years while growing up in Brooklyn, New York. The city’s surrounded Lola Pulsating rhythms and vibrant energy. A culture steeped in musical tradition immersed the city. From a young age, she found herself drawn to the catchy beats and raw lyrics of hip-hop. Its ability to tell stories and convey emotion captivated her.

Lola was raised in a home where music was central to daily life. Lola’s parents introduced her to jazz, soul, reggae, and R&B music genres. These varied sounds shaped her unique musical taste. She drew inspiration from artists of many generations and styles. As she grew older, Lola began to explore her own creative urges. She experimented with writing lyrics and crafting beats. Her early exposure to music and hip-hop laid the foundation for her future as an artist. It gave her the tools and inspiration to create her own unique sound and style.

Lola Brooke Initial Forays into Music

Lola Brooke’s first music experiments began in her teenage years. She started writing lyrics and composing music. She was inspired by the vibrant hip-hop culture of her Brooklyn neighborhood. She began honing her skills by joining local rap battles and open mic events. These early experiences were a catalyst for her love of music. They gave her a platform to show her talent and to connect with other artists and fans. Lola’s dedication and determination set the stage for her success in music. They laid the groundwork for her rise as a star in hip-hop.

First performances or Recordings

Lola Brooke’s journey into music began with her first shows. She also made her first recordings. These were significant milestones in her growing career. In her late teens, she performed on local stages. She captivated audiences with her raw talent and strong stage presence. These early performances were a testing ground for her artistry. They let her refine her skills and build confidence as a performer.

At the same time, Lola ventured into the studio to record her first songs. She was turning her lyrical skill and unique style into real tracks. These studio sessions gave her invaluable experience in recording. They shaped her understanding of studio dynamics and production. Lola’s first performances and recordings were humble. But, they laid the groundwork for her future success. They set the stage for her rise as a big name in the hip-hop world.

Early challenges and Breakthroughs

In the early stages of her career, Lola Brooke faced challenges. She navigated the competitive and unpredictable music industry. One early hurdle was gaining recognition. She had to establish herself as a credible artist in a crowded field. Lola has talent. But, she struggled to stand out and grab attention from industry insiders and fans. But, amid these challenges, Lola had breakthrough moments that moved her career forward. One such breakthrough came with her debut single. It got unexpected attention and praise from listeners and critics. This early success validated Lola’s talent. It boosted her confidence and opened doors to new opportunities.

Another breakthrough came from working with established artists and producers. They saw Lola’s talent and invited her to collaborate. These partnerships boosted Lola’s career. She persevered and was unwavering in her dedication to her craft. Lola turned setbacks into opportunities. This paved the way for her rise as a star in hip-hop.

Lola Brooks First Viral Hit

Lola Brooke’s first viral hit was “Don’t Play With It.” It marked a turning point in her career. It catapulted her into the spotlight and earned widespread acclaim. It was released with little fanfare. But, it quickly gained traction online. It captivated listeners with its catchy beat and strong lyrics. It spread fast on social media and music services. It caught the eye of fans and industry insiders. This made Lola famous. It showed Lola’s talent as a rapper and lyricist. It also made her position as a rising star in hip-hop clear.

Reactions from the public and industry

The public and industry loved Lola Brooke’s first viral hit, “Don’t Play With It.” It marked her as a rising star in hip-hop. Fans and industry insiders loved the track. They praised its catchy beat, clever lyrics, and Lola’s magnetic delivery. Among fans, the song quickly became a favorite. Listeners praised Lola’s raw talent and authentic storytelling. Social media platforms buzzed with excitement. Fans shared the track, spreading the word about Lola’s music far and wide.

In the industry, “Don’t Play With It” sparked interest. It also sparked speculation about Lola’s potential as an artist. Lola Brooke’s rapid rise caught industry insiders’ attention, marking her as promising talent. Her first viral hit sparked public and industry reactions, solidifying her hip-hop presence.

Major Releases and Collaborations

Lola Brooke’s journey in the music industry has had many big releases. She has also had many collaborations. They have solidified her position as a rising star in hip-hop.

Major Releases:

  1. Lola’s debut single was “Don’t Play With It.” It was her breakout hit. It captured listeners’ attention with its infectious beat and compelling lyrics.
  2. Debut Album: Lola released her long-awaited first album. She did so after her first single did well. It showed her range as an artist and further established her as a force in the industry.
  3. Lola has consistently delivered chart-topping singles. Each shows her unique style and skill with lyrics. These releases have garnered critical acclaim and earned her a dedicated fanbase.


  1. Feature Collaborations: Lola has worked with many artists. She has lent her talent to tracks in many genres.
  2. Lola has worked closely with producers. They create standout tracks that push the boundaries of hip-hop. These collaborations have created new sounds. They have also made memorable moments. These moments have captivated audiences.
  3. Lola has also worked with artists outside hip-hop. They make music in different genres. These collaborations let Lola explore new sounds and find new fans.

She continues to push the boundaries of hip-hop and build her status as a rising star in the music industry. She does this through her major releases and collaborations.

Lola Brooke Awards and Recognition

Lola Brooke has talent. It has earned her recognition and praise in music. Fans and industry professionals alike admire her. Lola’s career is relatively young. But, she has already received many awards and nominations. This has solidified her as a rising star in hip-hop.


  1. Lola is a best new artist nominee. Her breakout success has earned her this recognition at top music award ceremonies.
  2. Lola’s hit singles, like “Don’t Play with It,” earned it Song of the Year nods.
  3. Best Hip-Hop/Rap Artist: Lola has won awards for its Best Hip-Hop/Rap Artist. The awards acknowledged her skill and influence in the genre.


  1. Critics have praised Lola’s music. They’ve praised its innovative sound, deep lyrics, and captivating performances.
  2. Industry insiders have acknowledged Lola’s talent. They include fellow artists, producers, and executives. They’ve praised her as a promising talent with a bright future.
  3. Fan Support: the biggest recognition comes from Lola’s fans. They’ve supported her journey from the start and still champion her success.

Lola Brooke has cemented her status as a rising star in hip-hop through her awards. They have also positioned her as one of the industry’s most promising talents.

Artistic Style and Influence

Lola Brooke’s art style blends raw lyricism and catchy beats. It also has a bold, unapologetic attitude. Lola draws inspiration from her Brooklyn roots and multicultural upbringing. She blends elements of hip-hop, R&B, and soul to create a sound that is hers. Her lyrics are introspective and thought-provoking. They often delve into themes of empowerment, resilience, and self-discovery. Iconic artists such as Lauryn Hill, Jay-Z, and Nas influenced Lola. She pays homage to the legends of hip-hop while making her way in the industry. Lola Brooke has a dynamic delivery and charisma. She continues to push the boundaries of hip-hop. She inspires listeners with her authenticity and creativity.

Public Image of Lola Brooke

Lola Brooke’s public image is one of authenticity, resilience, and empowerment. Lola is a rising star in hip-hop. She is known for approaching her art without apology. She commits to being true to herself. Fans admire Lola for her raw lyrics. They love her energy. And, her dedication to her craft never wavers.

In addition to her musical talent, Lola is also celebrated for her advocacy and activism. She uses her platform to speak out on issues that matter to her. They include social justice, equality, and music industry representation. Lola is honest. She is willing to discuss important topics. This has won her respect and admiration from fans and peers. Overall, Lola Brooke’s public image is one of strength, integrity, and honesty. This makes her a powerful voice and role model for her generation.

Signature style and fashion statements of Lola Brooke

Lola Brooke’s signature style reflects her bold and confident persona. It often blends streetwear with high fashion to create eye-catching and trendsetting looks. Lola is Known for her fearless fashion. She easily combines edgy streetwear staples. These include big hoodies, ripped denim, and bold sneakers. She mixes them with glamorous touches. These include bold jewelry, fur accents, and designer accessories.

Her wardrobe has vibrant colors, bold patterns, and unexpected textures. It reflects her eclectic taste and adventurous spirit. She rocks a casual-chic ensemble for a daytime event. She turns heads on the red carpet in a show-stopping gown. Lola’s fashion choices always make a statement and leave a lasting impression. Lola Brooke has great style. Her fashion statements often convey messages of empowerment, self-expression, and individuality. They inspire fans to embrace their own unique style and confidence.

Lola Brooke Net Worth

As of the latest updates in 2024, experts estimate Lola Brooke’s net worth to be between $500,000 and $2 million. This estimate shows the path of her career. It includes income from music releases, live performances, and brand endorsements. As Lola continues to make strides in music and become more visible, its net worth may change. They estimate the top of this estimate at $1 million. Successes like album releases, sold-out tours, and brand partnerships push it up. But, ongoing investments and expenses push the bottom down.


How did Lola Brooke get famous?

Lola Brooke gained fame through her hit single “Don’t Play With It.” The song went viral and got widespread acclaim for its catchy beat and strong lyrics. This early success put her in the spotlight. It also solidified her as a rising star in hip-hop. 

What is Lola Brooke’s name?

Lola Brooke’s stage name is Lola Brooke. While her birth name is Shyniece Thomas, she’s known by her stage name in the music industry.

What’s Lola Brooke’s net worth?

As of the latest updates in 2024, experts estimate Lola Brooke’s net worth to be between $500,000 and $2 million.

What is the age and birthdate of Lola Bro?

Lola Brooke was born on February 1, 1994, making her 30 years old as of 2024].

Who are Lola Brooke’s parents?

Lola Brooke’s parents are Teesha and Dennis; Dennis passed away when she was young.

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